Our First Time In A MLM

About 6 months back I was approached at a Barnes and Noble, about being interested in an  e-commerce business. First off just to be clear I love the mlm industry and if people are true on their intentions then they can really change their life.  The guy gave me his business card I couldn’t make the meeting because I was taking an accounting final that night. I eventually saw the business plan I liked it the idea of being able to make extra money use a known brand as your own from home. It sounded great and still does. My issue  is our up-line who got us involved. They say in the industry to stay close with your up-line and all I believe that to be true but I also feel that some people can be very pushy and feel my thought process on how things are down with this company could be different and better. After I went to one of their conventions I loved it you feel as if after that weekend you can own the world at least on Sunday because on Monday the world beats back. We were getting some new ideas and things we could try to do where me and my wife live in Jacksonville, Florida. I really feel that if you ever want to get into a mlm do a bunch of research on the company not just a google  search  but an in-depth look into how and what way you can market the products. Our issue was we learned what was going on in other cities and no one was trying it down here so I spoke to my up-line about purchasing some products to try the stuff down here. He was like that’s great we will crush it saying how he already got the approval from corporate to do it and purchase the products so we don’t have to wait. I bought the products and then at the end of the month my up-line went on a special vacation, I looked at it as a great thing wow he’s showing growth and I want to as well. Yes, it was very motivating to be new to the business and to see the growth happening makes you a believer at least  we were. Here is where our belief ended. Our up-line comes back I let him know that I have coordinated with the other business involved have all the logistical work done only for him to say we can’t do that anymore corporate will not allow it. I was kind bummed out about it honestly. We had put in a lot of work in our spare time that it was very disappointing. Weeks later another team in the business start talking about doing the same thing that I had wanted to do and only to find out they said that it was still allowed and corporate had approved it. That is when I knew that I had been lied to by my up-line. I am not sure if anyone has had an experience like this in mlm, but it is extremely frustrating to go through because the idea  of a mlm is to be different then your job now. The idea that with your up-line you won’t be treated like an employee you are your own boss. We have learned a lot since this experience in the mlm. The first thing is if you are the only one trusting your up-line then this can only lead to failure. Our up-line came to do a home plan and really pushed hard for my guests to join and buy. I know the idea is to join but people need to make that choice on their own not to live with something that they regret later on. My up-line reminded all my prospects, friends and family of a pushy car salesman. I had one friend  who I had showed him the plan with my up-line only to have my up-line run him off by taking over the conversation and running it in an unsuccessful direction. My friend told me if it wasn’t for having to be in business with him then he would have joined. This really got me thinking a mlm should be fun it shouldn’t feel like how your job now feels. Every time you go to a meeting it should feel invigorating. I just want others to know this industry can be successful and fun even if our time with it was not. We will continue to look for other opportunities  and endeavors.

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